Day 11 – Time tells . . .

Outside of human invention, its debatable as to whether time exists. Can the distance between life and death be measured? What exactly are these eight minutes and twenty seconds that it takes sunlight to reach the earth?

Rarely do things stay the same. They either improve, or get worse. Just maintaining a quid pro quo situation can take a huge amount of effort. Just ask any keen gardener.

We’re currently in a state of faut déjà vu. The fact is, we stayed in Camperstop Vrana on the southern outskirts of Sofia, in 2019, during our Greece trip. A forever memorable stop, mainly due to an ill-planned spontaneous walk by Mr S, that lead Mrs S on a merry dance, via a route she would rather have not travelled. But let’s not talk about that. Been there, blogged that.

Again, pitched up on the far right of camp. This evening’s view from Beastie – 5 years on from the image below
Beastie is the MOHO to the far right – note the state of the roof on the building in previous photo.

However, inside this MOHO coop, time has brought on an improvement. The owner has installed a hi-tec German designed wash-up facility . . . obviously in the hope it will drum up extra business – BOOM BOOM!

Vorsprung Durch Technik!
Time for Beastie to snuggle down for the night

Earlier in the day we take time off from scudding southwards. Don sunnies. Spend an hour or so going nowhere fast. Montana provides a perfect perambulation.

It’s Palm Sunday and Easter is in abundance around the fountains on Zheravitsa
Behind the scenes, these apartments all get a share of the fruits of one vine
A solid reminder of the September Rebellion

A couple of ice creams later, then it’s time to go wake Beastie from his shady spot. Then it’s onwards and downwards.