Day 19 – We try dogging . . .

It’s always good to step out of one’s comfort zone from time to time. Experience a new experience. We do just that.

We spend our third and final day dogging. Or to put it more clearly, enjoying the company of a couple of gorgeous ‘street dogs’. As previous cat owners we’ve always considered dogs as being so much more needy. Requiring so much more effort. All those walkies. All that sniffing. All that peeing. All those black bags . . .

Our stay here has given us a glimpse of what it’s like to own a dog, or two.

From the moment we pitch up, we’re befriended by a couple of ‘city dogs’. We name them Whitey and Browny, just to be original. Both tagged, signifying that they’ve been neutered. They live the life of Riley. Coming and going as they please. Their two favourite past-times are called “Chase the Tractor” (run behind, barking vicious abuse at the driver) & “Let’s See How Close I Can Get To Death” (overtake the tractor and run inches in front of its front wheel.) This area is awash with olive groves and the main drag awash with tractors pulling their spraying kit, so both dogs get plenty of exercise!

It doesn’t take much persuading before we enjoy having them around. We think it’s mutual. And this is before we’ve fed them a sausage. They are both placid and playful. Very territorial. Obedient too.

Yesterday evening Browny joined us for dinner.
Apart from dogs, it feels like we have the lake to ourselves
“Oy, what are you waiting for Oldy” . . .

The local store stocks everything. It’s immaculate. And at just over a kilometre’s walk provides a perfect morning leg stretch. Whitey agrees. Tails us there and back. Like our very own companion guard dog. He ignores every bark, snarl and growl directed his way, from the multitude of chained dogs we pass. He remains calm, aloof and in control, when other like-type interlopers come sniffing his way. Tarkan is amazed. Tells us he’s never done this with any other visitor. We feel chuffed.

Whitey stays close behind his favourite owner of the day.
We don’t know what they’re fishing for. The three men standing, constantly throw stones into the water.
We return with a kilo of dog biscuits!

With still a couple of hours of the afternoon to kill, Mr S decides to take a hike. His suggestion, not Mrs S’s. She doesn’t fancy a grazed knee or two. His sights are set on the highest point around. The flag pole, the goal.

If I carried a Union Flag with me, could I claim that rock for GB I wonder?
The view is worth its weight in gold.

A young Turkish couple roll down onto site. Early evening. We hoped we’d keep this site to ourselves. They quickly set up their table and chairs for dinner. Only it’s not. He comes over. Carrying a small plate. It has a chocolate birthday cake on it. Offers us half. How hospitable is that! They are celebrating her 21st. He serenades her with some nifty guitar. We reciprocate with a bottle from Oz.