Days 35, 36 & 37 – Variety is the spice of life . . .

We all need a reason to get up and out of bed each morning. Even more so when retired. Otherwise, it’s easy to fall into the same old, same old. Stagnate. Become satisfied with less, rather than with more.

Day 35 – Any thoughts of stagnation are left firmly on the pillow. Every MOHO day offers something fresh. Today, we head south, towards the coast and Camping Mavi Cennet. A tiny site, perched above an endless beach. It’s another up and over job. But before we leave Konya in our wake, we make a detour. Head north, to the city’s suburban limits. Go visit the Tropical Butterfly Garden. See what’s fluttering.

It’s winged, head, and thorax domed
Home Sweet Home
Who’s a pretty boy then . .
Wings distract from the more interesting

The noise level increases ten fold as a school group of excited ten year old’s enter the foray. Like lost particles in a Hadron Collider, they seem to be everywhere at once. A fever level fusion of confusion seemingly set to explode. Teachers unable to find the right switch. That’s discovered inside the small theatre. Like calmed bees under a smoke screen, they quieten. Eyes glued to the screen. Like ours. A brilliant French animated comedy, their new focus. It’s a race. A grasshopper, fly, bee, ladybird, damselfly and a millipede are on their starting blocks. But who will win?

Feeding time at the zoo – their racing days are over
A not unusual lunchtime stop – anywhere that’s flat – only another 214K to go

Day 36 – A day of two halves. There’s only so far we can travel without finding a washing machine. It’s one thing that Beastie refuses to carry on-board. It’d do his back in. Three washes later and duly pegged out leaves us enough time to peg ourselves out, down at the water’s edge. The sand is that coarse brown grainy type, that feels rough underfoot, rather than the Bournemouth golden stuff us softies are used to. Entrance (and therefore exit) into the water is very steep. Drops away quickly and guarded by several meters of uncomfortable pebbles. On each exit Mr S resembles a drunken firewalker, who can’t find his way home.

Looks can be deceptive . . .
The effect of a full moon and increasing wind prevent a final morning’s swim for Mr S

Day 37 – Our itchy feet are itching to get going again. So today, we head for a two-nighter in Antalya, a short 100K coastal drive west. Perfectly planned so that we can stop off at the ancient city of Aspendos. Home to the most complete Roman theatre still in existence. The whole complex sits atop a series of hills. Many areas still undergoing archeological digs.

The clever Romans new the importance of a clean water supply – what remains of the Aquaduct
Much of the brickwork is dry balanced using no mortar – what remains of the Basilica
No mortar on view here either – what remains of the 2 Cheeses
Theatre Hill reveals the beauty of the ‘pièce de résistance’
Still used for theatre and music performances

2 thoughts on “Days 35, 36 & 37 – Variety is the spice of life . . .”

  1. Happy Bank Holiday Monday to you both! Dry here but a little on the fresh side.
    Have much enjoyed catching up with your travels, as always. There is so much to see in Turkey.

    1. Well, the BH certainly wasn’t on our radar today!!! But thanks for the homely reminder Rog. We were just saying over dinner that it’s so weird to think we still have the whole of June in front of us. Probably less than two weeks in Turkiye.

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