Days 53, 54 & 55 – It’s good to meet up with old friends . . .

True friendships can last a lifetime. No matter the frequency of contact. Being able to pick up the relationship with ease, as if no time has passed. Liking, loving & respecting, maintain that invisible bond.

We last stayed on Camping Veliko Tarnovo exactly five years to the day, less one. An unexpected timing. So much did we enjoy our previous stay, that we made this a must do return. It’s not everyday we’re in this neck of the woods. And Bulgaria has lots of them.

Nicky & Nick bought this land in 2002, moved from the UK and built their house and site from scratch. As campers themselves, they ensure that every aspect of their guests requirements are catered for. Near perfection.

Situated in a beautiful countryside location, yet a short walk to the local village of Dragizhevo. There are few sites we’ve stayed on that match and enjoyed.

Mouth wateringly inviting . . .

For weeks the temperatures have constantly hovered in the mid-thirties. Pools and swims few and far between. So it doesn’t take Mr S long to get reacquainted with an old friend . . .

Spladush . . .

Mrs S prefers to take a more gentile approach . . .

Hardly a ripple out of place . . .

One acquaintance Mr S hadn’t had the privilege to meet on his last visit joined him for a shower . . .

“Can you do my back please” . . .
“Now I’ll do yours” . . .

Looking back on old photos it’s clear the onsite greenery has exploded into a wonderful wildlife habitat. Lizards (also a very bright green), nightingales, tiny loud-mouthed frogs, unusual butterflies (& spiders) and at dusk a proliferation of tiny beetles, AKA fireflies, illuminate our walk to the showers like a New Year’s Eve fireworks party.

Then there’s the swallows. Constantly on flight. Unable to sit still for five seconds. As if they’re a flock of ADHD infected hang-gliders. Like a skilled team of swooping and diving stunt kites, they wait until the pool is free (mostly); skim the surface at break-neck speed and accuracy. Rehydrate. They don’t realise they could save all of that energy by just sitting quietly in the shade. It seems it’s more than that. A fun game they love to play together.

Our three night, two day stop isn’t all about relaxing. Three washes, plus a Beastie clean isn’t so much about what the doctor ordered, as Mrs S ordered . . . she’s forever bemused at what a mucky puppy Beastie is, compared to his compatriots. I tell her it’s his way of showing how adventurous and daring he is. Like displaying his medals of valour. She has none of it, so it’s out with the bucket and sponge. Two make light work though.

A woman’s work and all that . . . Mrs S always happy to iron out my creases . . .

Morning two and our pre-pool paradise is kept waiting. We go walkabout in Dragizhevo. It’s bigger than we thought. But typically Bulgarian in so much that there’s a mix of deserted, dilapidated and seemingly up-market properties, with many undergoing renovation too.

Swallows are obviously big in this area.
Drainpipes not the thing over here. Rainwater directed away from each property with a penile extention.