Days 64 & 65 – We’re skimming across the lakes . . .

There can be few more joyful sights than the combination of a lake surrounded by mountains. A gift from nature. Solace for the soul.

Not wanting to simply double back on our outward route, we continue our left turn. Head west. Take a ‘long cut’. The Dolomites and Alps get pushed into the static sidelines. Like a couple of ancient smoothed flat stones, we’re aiming to tippy-toe our way across the lakes of Northern Italy. One down. Next please . . .

We by-pass the obvious Garda. Look for something less busy. Smaller. Lago d’Idro and Camping Pilù, tick all boxes. The same family-run camp site, since 1959. Gates onto the lake, fine facilities and a great swimming pool. The only thing that’s missing is the sun . . .

Beastie’s out of sight behind the trees to the far left.

The misleading information about La Rocca d’Anfo leads us on a wild goose chase. It’s the largest Napoleonic fortress in Italy. Typically Italian, it’s built on the side of a mountain. More suited to a roaming herd of goats, than the garrison of four hundred soldiers it was constructed for.

It’s much higher than it looks

Street level entrance is a fifteen minute walk along the lake. We arrive 11.40. It’s closed for lunch from noon until 1.30pm. We do likewise. Return 2pm. Discover the full site can only be viewed with a guide. The next one is due in seventy-two hours. We won’t be here. However, we are allowed free access to one lower section only, the Batteria Tirolo. It’s all about health and safety. We sign disclaimer forms. Get issued with ID lanyards. Given ninety minutes max. If we’re not back by then, presumably a helicopter search will commence.

A twenty minute hike and a fifteen minute peek is all it takes. Just as well it’s free.

It’s old, deserted and smelly. A matrix of rooms off tunnels.

Our leisurely meander back to camp passes a rare sight. Ponders the question . . .

. . . which came first, the fence-post or the egg?

An evening of rolling thunder, high winds and heavy rain deters any chance of al fresco dining. That clears the air perfectly for a welcomed sunny start to today . . . but we’re leaving.

A heavenly sight – the topmost tower of the fortress is two thirds up on the left

2 thoughts on “Days 64 & 65 – We’re skimming across the lakes . . .”

  1. Have spent a most enjoyable time catching with you two travellers.
    Stanley Player dress rehearsal yesterday afternoon – 2 one act plays … ok but some still need to polish up their lines!!!
    Really enjoyed the long video up to that fortress. My goodness you have been to some places.
    Hope you have good weather in the kms ahead – as we did for our week in Germany.

    1. No changes with the Stanley Ps then Rog. 🙂 I’m sure it’ll be alright on the night. The weather is still hanging in for us as we slowly head north.

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