Final Day 74 – It all feels a bit tame . . .

Adrenaline seekers can’t help themselves. That supreme rush of almost overwhelming excitement, becomes highly addictive. Everyday routine and calm normality a boring reality that’s to be avoided like the plague.

There’s no comparison to the above, but after our too short tour of Türkiye, the EU seems a little bland. Predictable even. Dare I say boring? Or is it that over these travelling years we’ve been getting used to too much of a good thing? Or perhaps as no longer newbies on the block, we now have everything sussed. Nothing new to learn, or experience. No surprises that can’t be dealt, coped with, or ignored.

With less than twenty-four hours to go before we land back on terra-firma, we decide to make one last visit. Like a couple of kids being called in for the day, we want to stay outside, playing until it gets dark, or rains.

We head for Dunkerque War Museum. It details the story of the Battle of Dunkirk and Operation Dynamo, which in May-June 1940, became the largest evacuation effort in military history.

Bastion 32 – headquarters for the French & Allied forces
A clear and detailed timeline of events is housed in each gallery

Northern France is peppered with memorials and cemeteries from both world wars. Earlier, we pass through Fromelles.

Many village signs have been upturned (or should that be downturned) in protest. Young Farmers seek a better agricultural policy. Many local councils show their solidarity by leaving the sign ‘as is’.

WWI Australian armed forces suffered greatly at the Battle of Fromelles and their memory is honoured at the site of the fight lines.

At one point, the German machine guns went quiet. Allowing over two hundred ‘Cobbers’ to be lifted out of Nomansland.

And now it’s all over. With the Euros in full force, it’s a miracle this blog has kept up to date. We’ve spent almost as much time getting to and from Türkiye, as we did there. But we wouldn’t do it any other way.

Thanks for being with us every K of the way.

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