They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. But maybe that old dog can be taught to do the tricks he does know, better.
Firstly – our ‘on-board’ navigator. Our alter-ego. Wherever egoes, wego. Even if ‘he’ is a Missy. We’ve eventually seen through her God-like pretence. A know it all, who doesn’t. No longer afraid, we no longer hover on her every word, like a couple of star struck groupies. Feel able to call into question her seemingly divine wisdom. Don’t consider her quite so pretty. Sometimes just pretty dumb. Even a real map has been consulted when deemed absolutely necessary. Yet despite this, we still mistakenly maintain a residue of blind faith. Allow her to lead us up the garden path, or off-road dirt track, designated for lumberjack’s juggernauts only.
Secondly – on maneuvering Beastie. I now tend to adopt the carpenter’s approach. Measure twice, cut once. The only occasion I didn’t do this, resulted in the bike rack smacking into a concrete fence post. In fact, this was a better outcome. If we’d have missed the post, it’s likely that the rack would have become unknowingly entangled in the fence. And even more likely that Beastie would have then yanked, pulled and dragged the whole fence out from its fixings. That wouldn’t have pleased the MOHO dealership, whom we’d just purchased our new Beastie levelers from.
Thirdly – when faced with a situation where one (me) can call a man in to get one (me) out of a sticky hole, then do it. Without question. No more wheel changes for one – or even five.
Fourthly – breaking out Scoot shouldn’t, but it sometimes does, feel like a pain. It takes thirty minutes. Involves clearing everything from the garage. Re-securing and re-loading, takes another thirty minutes. We are going to look at another simpler solution before our next trip.
And lastly, but not leastly and certainly most importantly. We have discovered that God is definitely a man. And how did we establish this fact? Simple. On day four there is no way that he would have been seen out, creating stars and heavenly bodies. He would have stayed in and washed his hair . . .
If you’ve been one of the few that’s persevered reading this blog to the bitter end, then congratulations. Welcome to the crazy club. Thank you for your company. It’s been fun recording and sharing with you some of the more interesting places and events we’ve either witnessed or unwittingly created . . .
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