Day 9 – We’re all destined for greater things, but not necessarily as we quite imagine . . .

I read recently that everything in the universe has always been and still is, heading towards greater complexity. We can certainly recognise an inkling of that, simply by reflecting on what has changed during our own short worldly existence on planet earth. Is this why many of us have an inner hankering for the simple life?

It’s day four of the Great British Castle Off. To Scoot or not to Scoot. That is today’s big question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to travel in style and arrive dry and warm, or to suffer the slings and arrows of hail and rain and arrive wet and freezing? Oh sweet dilemma, where is your sting?

There is no sting. On arrival Mrs S removes her helmet with relief and states “Sometimes I feel so sorry for myself” – perhaps Scoot’s days are numbered?

Scotney Castle (AKA Scootny), turns out to be another castle that’s not. We blame the French and their 100 years war. It seems the local gentry at that time, instead of simply barring up their windows and doors against the marauding French, decided to fortify their country estate houses a la castle-style. Put on a pretend show. Simply added a turret here, or a tower there, with the odd crenellation thrown in for good measure – et voila! So providing any of these elements remain, it seems it can justifiably still be called a castle.

In any event, it’s another peach set within nature’s stunning beauty. 

The deliberately ruined old ‘castle’. A piece of foresight folly from a previous owner
Pretending to ignore the camera & look au natural
Out on our circular walk of the massive estate
Stunning position for the main house