Day 19 – Another border crossing sees us enter the smallest republic on earth . .

A Disney Style, picture postcard sort of place with great views all round.

According to Google maps the “short” trip across country to San Marino should have taken thirty two minutes. Eighty minutes later and Scoot is parked up at the foot of the town wall. Can’t blame Scoot. Italian road signing the cause. Or rather lack of it. Plus the fact that the route in is rather higgledy-piggledy.  Stopping every few minutes to establish our location doesn’t help. We could see this high rise from every view point along the way, without seemingly getting much closer. At times we wondered how on earth we were going to get up there. As many hair-pin bends outside as inside.

It’s so quirky here, you almost half expect a real life cartoon character to pop up around the next corner. A rich place in its own right. It rakes in the tourist euros. Half ancient alley-ways bustle with shops and shoppers.

The local force always ready to mop up any sign of trouble

We give our quads a good work out for an hour or two before settling on this little spot for a spot of lunch. Can you spot Mrs S?

Yes, you may ask. Where are our shorts? Still a bit too nippy on Scoot for them. Sunny, but not hot, hot, hot.

Then fifty five minutes later we’re back on the flat. Coast-side.



2 thoughts on “Day 19 – Another border crossing sees us enter the smallest republic on earth . .”

  1. Have been away for a few days so just catching up with your travels.
    You are definitely the very first people I know who have been to San Marino – looks most interesting. Had to Google where the heck it was!
    Have fun.

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