Greece – 2,143 miles – Average age n + 17.6 days – Average mpg 26.7 – Average speed 29.4mph – not quite Greased Lightnin . . .
Kromidovo may well have been a substantial village some years ago. Many signs of grander residencies forsaken. Remaining homeowners, like many in this southern region of Bulgaria, make their own wines. Utilise as much space as possible. Vine growing a common art. Majority of gardens given over to the grape. Veggies hardly get a look in. We leave via the front door. Or rather High Street. A sad indication of current times. We jokingly refer to it as CrummyDovo. Not very kind.
Fifteen minutes later a passing nod allows entry into Greece. We take time out for a stretch and coffee. First opportunity to get a handle on things over a new border. A roadside cafe with a large parking area ideal. However, it appears we’re a couple of captured clients. Our way in is no way out. Our way out is no way out. Our minds boggle briefly.
40K south of Thessaloniki and 5K south of Epanomi we pitch up on a beach side hotel and camping facility – Atki Retzika. Our options few. This is one of the few sites open in April. Again, Beastie’s the only MOHO on camp. Suits us. We like having facilities all to ourselves.
Like a couple of spent pennies, we decide to take time out from the journey. Forecast set fine for the next few days. Time to catch up with some necessary chores. Time to relax. Recharge batteries. Now we’re actually here, time to make some Grecian plans.
Many stray dogs in this neck of the woods. We go walkabout with a friendly canine. It’s like having a grandchild (we imagine) stay for the day. We reap the benefit. No downside.