Day 23 – A day at the wheel, but it’s been worth it . . .

As each day passes we’re getting to like Italy the more we see of it. Today’s journey is why. It’s not about where we get to. It’s about where we go, to get to.

Beastie’s panoramic windscreen, coupled with raised sitting positions, perfectly position us as we pass view after view after view. We head south from Assisi towards our one nighter in the Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo. Spaghetti inclines and declines on the menu for today. All very tasty. Leave us wanting seconds.

Beastie’s brought us over those far off mountains; across the valley below; now we’re heading up again . . .

Beastie’s doing his best, but on one of the steeper sections, gets outpaced by a two seater mini pocket-rocket. Steve Zodiac storms past in Fireball Junior. AKA “XL8”. Can’t tell if that’s Robert at his side. They’re probably on their way home. Beastie’s blushes get saved on the downhills as gravity grabs him by the horns.

Three foot wide and three foot high

The site is how we like it. Out in the wild with more than the bare essentials.

Many non-touristy sites becoming less crowded

In fact, from just the other side of the perimeter fence we hear the continual barks from the local brown bear community. We’re striking porridge off the menu.

Not everyone likes them though . . .

If the weather hadn’t turned again we might have stayed a few days to explore. So instead of turning East to the rain, we head West to the sun in Sorrento.