Day 4 – We don’t get to make a wish . . .

When you get to squeeze past three score years and ten, you tend not to have retained many wishes from earlier years. Now, all that concerns, is the present. Keeping in good health; good humour; good company.

It’s mid-evening. Dinner downed. Washed-up. Showered. Time to settle down for another episode of Fauda with a coffee and our new discovery – Yorkshire Curd tartlet. Outside, Beastie’s roof is being hammered into submission by the open heavens. The rat-a-tat-tat, a comforting end to today’s three peeks itinerary.

Peek one, Pickering Castle, a barely good excuse to squander twelve quid. A scattering of ‘WIKI’ notice boards fail to enlighten or ignite any real interest. Our brief wander around another National Heritage ruin is over before we can say William the Conqueror. This sign prevents us from making a wish . . .

Boo Hoo . . .
We are ‘well’ disappointed . . .
Up top, Mrs S does her best not to look too disappointed

Peek two – a little further west along the A170, glorious Helmsley village awaits. A must go-to recommended by Sue, our neighbour from across the road. She has rellies buried at the 12th century All Saints Church.

Its interior walls help to brighten the darkest of days.
19thC painting of Christ by Gabriel Ritter von Max, based on the image from Veronica’s cloth. It seems you either see His eyes as closed or open.

We are fast discovering that pasties, pastries & pie shops lie at the heart of every market square we stumble upon. Cornerstones for lunchtime with an array of irresistible Yorkshire delicacies. It’s lunchtime – we don’t resist.

Every church and square monument reflect a nation’s sorrow by way of message and flower tributes.

It’s hard to believe that over forty years have sneaked by since the first showing of All Creatures Great & Small. So peek three, in Thirsk, provides a visit to the James Herriott Museum. A quite superb magical reminder of the craziness of what being a country vet in the 30s was like. Ardent fan, Mrs S is in her element. There is even one room replicating the original Pebble Mill set.

Yes, we were here – or was it there?
Immortalised in his pretty back garden
The little girl’s ironing board – pre-war early conditioning for a life of drudge or grudge?
Closer inspection reveals the number of cleansing drinks and drenches for cows after calving