Day 40 – They say history has a habit of repeating itself . . .

The chronology of earthly war, certainly backs that statement up. When will man ever learn? There is no place on earth that can be permanently owned, or occupied. What did Hitler gain, apart from a bullet to the head?

I can think of at least two other current day leaders that could benefit from such a trigger.

In 2024, more than ever, we witness the devastating effects of war on the civilian populations. It’s nothing new. WWII proved to be no exception. Over twice as many civilian recorded deaths than military. A staggering thought to consider, next time we stand in front of rows and rows and rows of white crosses.

Today, we take a detour on our way to Camping Risle Seine Les Etangs, in Toutainville. Go visit the Mémorial de Caen, dedicated to telling the story of WWII, D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.

A Hawker-Typhoon swoops to greet visitors on entry.

The museum details every aspect of the build up to and then the war itself. The obvious ineptitude of the European leaders in their belief that a war, so soon after WWI, could never happen. We walk the timeline. It starts with Hitler. A little man on the horizon. A nobody, who wanted to become a somebody.

The most hated emblem in all of history

Each section combines memorabilia, graphics, recordings, documentation and film footage from actual events. Daringly shot by incredibly brave journalists. English spoken and printed narration is of the highest quality.

Effective sets help create a time illusion

The Japs, as an info board points out, were keen to enlarge their empire. But for their mis-judgement at Pearl Harbour, they probably would have. Photos of military training exercises showing live Chinese soldiers being used as bayonet practice, serve as a reminder why many a soldier hated them to his death. Even long after the war had ended.

All for sake of oil and territory

The towns in north east France took the brunt. Not only from the Nazis. Allied Forces hit 1,570 towns and cities across France. Civilian ‘collateral’ damage – at least 68,778 dead – sound familiar?

The vicious cycle continues today – a look back in time that’s all too frighteningly real to Palestinians
No excuse for the creation of needless suffering

The final figures are a blasphemy to the human race . . .

2 thoughts on “Day 40 – They say history has a habit of repeating itself . . .”

  1. Im speechless, the sheer numbers are overwhelming, its been said that the human animal is the most violent on the planet, take care, love Dave and Sue xx

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