Six down, six to go. At this point we’re unsure if we’ve had six of the best. Or whether six of the best are still to come.
The nature of the landscape down here, gives the impression of subsistence, or just above. With mountains virtually lapping the shoreline, there’s not much land to farm. Most arable area given over to the olive. The Ancient Sites do their best to help. Or is it worst? That German couple commented that you often pay to see “Three large stones and a notice board”. Will the crowds keep on coming? When will the penny drop? We have already given a few the heave ho. Today we pass alongside Akropolis Tyryns. Stop. Decide to give it a try. If only to stretch our legs. Two euros seems fair. We’re treated. There’s more than three stones. More than three notice boards too. Pity all information describes the restoration works only. Perfect for Bob the Builder.
We finish today’s 110K journey with a dip (well, I do). Lefka Beach Camping our home for a few days. The terraced pitches not pretty. Resemble a multi storey. Almost feels like it too. Its own cove and fine-gravel beach with calm warm water compensates.