Whatever happened to the Beaujolais run? A hyped up car chase? Dreamed up by the French? To create an awareness of French wine in England? A sly attempt to undermine the great British Pint? With further plans to replace pork scratchings with crispy cuisses de grenouilles?
Like Clement Freud and Joseph Berkman did in 1970, we’re running for home. As fast as we can. But unlike them we have no Nouveau Beaujolias on board. It’s still October. So, that’s not quite drinkable. In any event, we can’t stand the stuff.
On-route to Camping Ferme de la Croisee at Flagey, we make an important stop. Need a top up.
Beastie’s belly’s now bursting. Laden with over forty bottles of tried and tested plonk. [We do more than our fair share of testing on each trip] Average price? Just under £2 per bottle. Courtesy of LIDL and Eurospin. The saving pays for our food purchases. 🙂 Better than paying our UK government the £3.06 they take from us on every £5 bottle. And, with that sort of a saving, becoming an alci makes perfect financial sense . . . hic!
However. We always drink responsibly. Always use a glass.