Home life is very rarely specifically spontaneous. Eyes in constant focus on the near or not so near future. Invisible tick-lists line up and loom. Each with its own reward, or lack of it. We strive, depending on the moment’s motivation. Weigh up the pros and cons. Consider the must-do’s against the easy-do’s. But the silent, often unconscious list making, never escapes us.
With more than the usual amount of planning planned, we have everything in place. First five Beastie night-overs – sorted! Ferry crossing from Nice to Corsica – booked! One outward flight from Stanstead to Bastia – booked. One inward flight from Ajaccio to Stanstead – booked!
Then, we’ll make it up as we go along . . . spontaneity key!
The flights? Laura is set to join us for a two week jaunt. Keen for a break from homework – not the school type, but the D.I.Y. type. Keen to re-visit Corsica. Keen to experience life on the road in Beastie. All of us keen to get rolling. Like us, she has made plans to coincide. Altered appointments. Re-jigged her tick-lists. Like us, has everything sorted. So it seems.
BUT and it’s a big BUT
None of us planned for the unexpected. Why should we? How could we? You can expect the unexpected. But you can’t actually plan for it.
So, out of the blue and with no previous history, Mr S suddenly falls foul of a severe bout of labrynthitis. Our immediate world stops spinning. Mine doesn’t. Takes on a new and sickly dimension.
Walls, floors, ceiling, furniture spin. Mimic a mini solar system. My head at the centre. Create a caustic constellation of consternation. Surely it’s not that big? Or dense? We all like to consider ourselves the centre of our own universe, but this takes it a step too far. My land-lubber stomach, unaccustomed to being tossed and turned, rides a raging open sea. Gagging with every roll. Happy days . . .
Hence, Day T-?
Therefore the plans of mice and men curtailed for the time being. Waiting on medication to fully function. Along with my brain, eyes, ears, legs and stomach . . .
Two weeks max should do it.