Days 11 & 12 – Weather rules – Okay! . . .

The nomadic tribes of old were constantly aware of the weather and all it’s foibles. How it affected their landscape and in particular the available grazing for their herds. They needed to pay heed to any subtle changes in the timings of the seasons. Remain alert. Forever ready to make the decision. Stay put, or move on.

Fortunately for 2 Cheeses, we only have one Beastie to consider. When we’re on the move, he only needs feeding once every other day. His ultra high calorific liquid diet readily available, regardless of how barren the terrain may be.

Day 11 – Beastie is on the move again. He’s fed up with alternate days of rain, coupled with daytime temperatures ranging from 12C to 17C. He could have stayed put in the UK for that. He’s not donned his winter coat yet, so he’s feeling the chill somewhat. “Let’s go south”, he demands. “Down to the Dordogne”. A little bird told him it will be warmer there. We’d hoped he’d got it right. It’s rained the whole journey. At least it relented while we booked in and pitched up. We’re all currently under cover in Rocamadour, at Camping Koawa Les Cigales – as the now all too familiar pitter patter starts again . . . Beastie!!!!!

Day 12 – Yippee! It’s not raining. It’s bright. There’s a big yellow thingy cheering us on – we leave Beastie to dry off while we go walkabout . . .

We’re less than a two kilometre walk from the iconic Rocamadour. Its series of churches cling to the side of the gorge like desperate limpets. Stuck in time. A place for pilgrimage, but now overtaken as a huge tourist attraction. As a pilgrim you’d get the best of both worlds of course – and not only in the here and now.

You can see why it attracts.

Each zig and zag of our upward trek to the top is punctuated with one of the fourteen ‘Stations of the Cross’. So aware, or not, every visitor gets to become a pilgrim. Walk with Jesus. At least for a short time.

Station VII – ‘Jesus Falls for the Second Time’
That’s what you call confidence in the rocks above
Station XIV – Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

Obviously the religious in this neck of the woods knew a thing or two about what to expect from the local weather.

Come rain or shine, they had it covered.
Up top at the chateau we are rewarded with a spectacular view
Mrs S already looking forward to a bigger reward in heaven
Not everyone wants a selfie

2 thoughts on “Days 11 & 12 – Weather rules – Okay! . . .”

  1. Happy birthday young lady!
    I too am on holiday … with friends in Kent.
    When i get back i will catch up properly with your travels.
    Enjoy yourselves.

    1. Hi Rog, Mary-Ann says, “Thanks Roger, how kind of you to remember my birthday on holiday. Hope to catch up with you before the end of the year”

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