Days 66, 67 & 68 – We look north . . .

It’s easy to get used to this nomadic life on the road. Having no fixed abode. It brings with it a strange feeling of freedom. At any given moment you decide where to go and how far. When to stay and when to move. It’s like getting lost every day and being the only person in the world, who knows where you are.

Even now, nearing the end of this trip, when the choices becomes more limited there’s no escaping that perception of liberty.

Day 66 – Our penultimate skip plops us lakeside at Italia Lido Castelletto, Lago Maggiore. A tourist hotspot. The site’s famous for its ‘exclusive’ floating pool. It’s rammed. Sessions in place. It doesn’t float our boat. We’re tourists, of a kind. We prefer to stay clear of other herds. Roam freely. Seek more open pastures to graze on. So we stay for one night. Move on.

Day 67 – With the weather set hot and sunny we pre-book another hotspot on the banks of Lake Annecy, at Camping de L’Aloua. It seems a long time since we set foot in France. Hope we can remember a semblance of a sentence or two. Hope our French acson still functions.

Other than distance and estimated time of arrival, just to make sure it’s doable in a day, Mr S never double checks a planned route. Today is no exception. He makes no exception. Hoo-Ha Henry does likewise. Not interested in road types. As long as Beastie can fit, he’ll direct. With parameters still set to allow motorway use, his blue route seems straight forward.

After paying one hefty toll of €42 to cover just over 100K, Mr S is surprised (though he wouldn’t have been if he’d have done his homework) to discover our route is taking us through Mt Blanc, rather than around it. Cost for this privilege? €72.

The entry system is strictly governed. Whilst in the tunnel there’s no overtaking allowed, plus a set minimum speed of 50kph and a set maximum speed of 70kph. We pay, then wait our turn. Like bike time-trialists each vehicle sets off at a set distance from the previous. Once inside, a series of speed cameras lie in wait, eager to flash any deviators. Beastie’s cruise control spoils their day.

It seems even longer inside
It’s boringly monotonous, but this expensive short cut probably saves us a day

Day 68 – Lake Annecy must be one of our all time favourite locations. The shared walking and biking lane provides this morning’s preamble amble. We haven’t gone far when we’re stopped by a young day-glo woman on a bike. She operates as a pedestrian predator. Seeks out any wayward walkers. As in those that are walking two abreast. Hands out a safety information leaflet. Instructs us to walk single file along the gravel section at the side of the metalled bike route. Trunks in front, tails behind.

Nellie gets us – gets them
By comparison, Lake Annecy is small
What it lacks in size is made up in beauty
Our furthest touch and turn point finds us inside Eglise Saint Blaise, Sevrier
A welcome notice quietens our minds and warms our hearts
Then it’s time to turn back and go push over a tree

Back at camp, we have options, Sun, or swim. We do both. Poolside.