Day 10 – Little Venice, big walk . . .

I have long suspected, that in order to bring the whole world’s economy to an instant standstill, then you’d simply need to suspend every women’s credit card account.

High street ‘shopping’, as we know it, revolves around what women want and today’s to and from Sottomarina, of 22,000 steps, takes us into the heart of Little Venice (Chioggia) on market day. Corso del Popolo is awash with stalls. One or two fruit and veggies attract some attention. Another with piles of men’s underpants is already packing away. Another has bicycle bells and lights on display. Just how many would they need to sell to cover their time and costs before turning in a profit? Of course, the savvy ones, sell women’s ‘stuff’. Like fields of colourful wild flowers blowing in the breeze, they tempt the passing lady butterflies, to stop, taste, try, then buy. And they do. Mrs S, no exception. I do my favourite Eeyore impression.

Back in September 2010 Big Venice disappointed. Maybe if the weather then, was as good as today’s, then we’d have not come away vowing never again.

No sign of a gondolier

Historic Chioggia is also awash with churches. A visitor walking trail testifies. We manage one. The rest are only open until 12.45. It’s lunchtime, we’ve missed the boat. So, we seek out a place serving a local favourite – platters of five, fish bruschettas. I order. The first four, crab, prawn, squid- bits, sardine go down a treat. I can’t make out what’s on the fifth. It’s disguised. Smothered in a delicious rich tomato sauce. I can’t chew through it easily. Decide to remove the sauce. Six arms revealed. I must be chewing the other two. A tiny baby octopus lies forlorn. I let him rest in peace. Suddenly I felt full.

Chioggia is a town with a large fishing industry.
Mrs S standing pretty on the Vigo Bridge – Venice Lagoon behind.

In the heat of the return 4.7K, we kind of regret not giving Scoot his first run out.