Day 18 – Are we on a guilt trip? . . .

With one eye on the road and the other constantly scanning news of Ukraine, our sense of freedom seems to have taken on a new meaning. Yet it raises the question – “What is freedom?”

Are you more, or less free, if you uphold the law? Is a lawbreaker, paying no heed to the consequences, either on themselves, or others, more free, when they choose to oppress or subjugate another? Can true freedom only be tied to the ideology propagated by democracy? We were free to choose to make this trip. Yet we are not free from the guilt that every mile we travel, may be filling the coffers of Russia and fueling the war on Ukraine. Is our freedom at the cost of those in Ukraine?

Our choice to visit two places of interest in one day, seems like a good idea. A further 40K down the road and we’re at stop number one. Alberobello. Home of the Trulli. Its heaving. Coach loads bussed in. Guided tour parties criss-cross like chequers. We head up to the top of town. Away from the masses.

Unique conical dry stone roofs a wonder of technique.
All still worked from or lived in.

With no car park suitable for Beastie closer than 2K of the centre, we end our day with a hike into and out of Gallipoli old town – almost. In the heat it feels double. We get as far as the castle. Pay for an audio tour. Then run out of steam.

It’s sparse inside, but the displays are well laid out. No more than WIKI info.
After its fortress days, it became a useful oil storage facility

Decide to head back to Beastie. Make one final stop at this unusual looking church.

More impressive out, than in.
She looks like we feel – still 2K to go . . .
By the time Beastie comes into view, I’m almost a shadow of my former self.

What seemed like a good idea (mine), backfired. It was a long walk simply for a castle tour. Made the day too long. We agree not to visit more than one place on any one day.

2 thoughts on “Day 18 – Are we on a guilt trip? . . .”

  1. Have really enjoyed catching up this afternoon with your travels so far.
    At Sainsburys this morning I met up with Joan – our old pianist from the ‘good old days’ and then as I drove down from Tom Long’s Post to Brimscombe, I gave a wave to your little old cottage!

    1. Hope Joan is doing well. Surprised you could see our cottage through the undergrowth Rog!

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