Day 18 – We go in search of the Holy Grail . . .

It’s now 11pm and blowing an absolute hoolie here on the Devesa Gardens site, El Saler. The day’s end to a very cold and windy trip into Valencia.

We finish the day by missing the 5.25pm bus by a couple of minutes. The thirty-five minute wait for the next gives us enough time to find out how aerodynamic Mary-Ann’s head is.

If only we’d left the National Ceramics Museum a little earlier – but we were pretending to be silly . . .

. . . and Mary-Ann couldn’t resist a photo opportunity . . .

or two . . .

Then these three flirters delayed us some more . . .

The morning’s guided audio-tour of the cathedral was superb. Culminating with the “pièce de résistance”  – the Holy Grail, the cup of many a Catholic Carnival.

We’re not ones to get caught up too much in the religiousity of symbols and relics in respect to our faith. Usually, the 2300Kg ginormous monstrance that greets you at the entrance to the museum section, would leave us wondering “why?” or “what’s the point”. “Couldn’t the gold, silver, platinum and jewels have been put to far better use for the good of the local people?”

Then we learn that all of the materials were actually donated by the people of Valencia, as reparation for the many atrocities that occurred during the Spanish Civil War. That’s quite something. Makes you think differently.






One thought on “Day 18 – We go in search of the Holy Grail . . .”

  1. I have emailed the same message that my Firefox says your security certificate [whatever that is] is now out of date. I had to fiddle around to get here this morning.

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