Day 16 – Colmar & The Statue of Liberty

So we’re off on our scoot-mobile today. Into Colmar to check out the dedicated musée celebrating Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi,  the French sculpture who designed the Statue of Liberty. Seems he created something very very similar for Egypt, but they declined to pursue the project. Maybe they thought the Pyramids and old Tut was enough. Got his old mate Monsieur Eiffel to construct it. And when you get up close to the actual size of one of the ears on display, that’s exactly what you get – an eyeful.

We scooted in following the “centre ville” signs – Colmar’s pretty large. I asked Mary-Ann to leave a trail of breadcrumbs, suspecting we’d need them. When it was time to depart they’d vanished. With it any chance of getting home before nightfall was fading. I went “off  piste” for half an hour heading towards the setting sun, aka the general direction of home. Usually works. Not this time. Ended right out in some backwater, which was basically a dead-end loop.

Colmar is on the horizon as seen from this Turckheim view point. Just squint a bit. It’s there. Honest!

All very interesting. Headed back to the centre. Ended up knowing the inner ring road like the back of my hand. Buildings becoming more and more familiar. “La gare” passed for the third time was no joke.

Tempted to abandon any idea of escape, by escaping to a familiar sounding waterhole. Taxi home instead? Decided to follow a sign pointing to Europe, which we’d been ignoring. We were already in Europe, weren’t we? And what do you know . . . .