Day 25 – All roads lead home, don’t they ? . . .

Norfolk, like Suffolk, has it’s own unique language for describing certain everyday things. A set of unusual and strange words that sound far more interesting and entertaining than the ‘common’.

Here are a few . . . umpty-tump; bishey-barney-bee; charlie-pig and of course, poĺly-wiggle. A different mind’s eye their norm. They like to stretch the norm a tad too when it comes to sign posts. It appears you can go somewhere, but nowhere in particular, by road.

We went zattaway . .

. . . and end up at Potter Heigham, the local waterway watering hole. Frequented by everyone holidaying in this area.

Mrs S looking happy. Might have something to do with the Two Scoops Wesley of rum n raisin she just downed.