Day 25 – Chartres and its Cathedral . . .

Humans are very clever beings. Yet as characters, flawed in so many different ways. One person may see a flaw in themselves and if they don’t like what they see, will work hard to change. Another may find it hard to see their own flaws. Until pointed out. At the end of the day, nobody is perfect.

The appropriately named Municipal Camping de Chartres, houses Beastie and his imperfect inmates for one night. Neither, under lock and key. Free to come and go as they please. While away some time. While the jury remains out. So we do just that. A planned early arrival enables a saunter along the river Eure. Destination – the ancient Centre Ville and its famous cathedral.

With all riverside walks, reflections dominate the camera’s perspective. Entices multiple stops, like a series of red traffic lights. For the accompanying spouse, patience is a virtue.

A passing duck, oblivious to the importance of calm water, creates imperfect reflections; but good enough.

The current day existence of Chartres Cathedral, owes itself to one man. Colonel Welborn Barton Griffith Jr (1901-1944). His superiors suspected the Germans of using it for a look-out during WWII and intended to destroy it. Welborn questioned the order. Volunteered to ‘check it out’. On discovering it was empty of Germans the order was rescinded. Ironically, he was killed in action later that very same day, just a few kilometres from Chartres, in Lèves. We found it strange and sad, that he wasn’t mentioned on any of the information boards inside.

Its massive footprint too huge to be accommodated on one shot.
We’ve not come across many grander entrances
Mrs S wishing she had some ladders and cleaning materials to hand. She’d make light work of restoring these to their former glory. Worries the same may be true inside.

She needn’t have. Inside, it seems mammoth cleaning and restoration works are ongoing. Many of the internal structures have been brought back to life.

The incredible Choir Screen. Just a small part of its one hundred metres!!

By the time we exit, unlike us, the evening is still young. It’s warm, sunny and calm. Perfect for a bit of alfresco dining. Just metres from the cathededral, Café Bleu obliges.

A little translation goes a long way.
A veal choice quickly scratched off on discovery that it was veal kidneys.

The return saunter equally enchanting as the sunset sets in for the night.

All gone ducks