Day 27 – The end of days . . .

Extinction is inevitable. It’s been happening since ‘The Beginning’ – whatever that means. Stars, that have been burning, seemingly for billions of years, all have a life span. Energy is not inexhaustible. Nothing is immune from this fact. Everything, whether living, or not, is subject to change. One second, as this, the next as that. The whole universe is governed by this unwritten law.

Everything has a start and an end. So many earth born species have come and gone. Lived and died. Become extinct. It’s still happening. As the most ‘aware’ species (as far as we know), to have inhabited planet earth, we are obsessing over the inevitable. Blaming ourselves even. Unable to see that change is coming. For all. It’s necessary. How else does re-birth occur? One thing is certain, humanity’s time for ‘extinction’ will arrive.

Everything comes from eternity and returns to eternity. As human beings we perceive that in different ways. Either through faith and hope, or unbelief and hopelessness.

Our last evening on the ‘other’ side of the channel, finds us in a new location to our previously preferred Sangatte. Fort Lapin Camping, further up the same coastline, just outside Calais. It’s separated from the huge flat beach, by an equally huge range of sand-dunes. We fancied a change, but of our own making. An early morning Chunnel Crossing awaits us. We’ll pop under and out as two different people. That’s what time and distance does.

If you’re one of the unfortunate few who have logged in from time to time, then thanks for doing just that. I hope you’ve found some pleasure in some of the, as my sister Yvonne likes to call them, “essays”. Like a lost in space voyager, sending out a constant hopeful message, it’s good to know there are other life forms out there, listening in. Regardless of whether they understand the dots and dashes, the beeps and skreeks.

A huge stretch of deserted dunes and beach – saw busier days in WWII
Perfect for landings. I have it all to myself.
These breakers look bored and lifeless . . .
This cheers them up . . . a timed selfie with Mr S doing his own version of a pole dance . . .

Our journey had its start and now it has its end . . .

. . . so it’s adios from ‘her’ and it’s adios from ‘him’ . . .