Day 30 – Holiday? Who needs one? . . .

People change. It’s inevitable. Society changes. That’s inevitable too. Living standards improve. In line with salaries, expectations rise. Naturally. But if not met, then dissatisfaction can set in. What was once considered a luxury, becomes a norm. And then very soon, a right.

Seven years into retirement brings about many changes. And opportunities. For some. Not all. We’re fortunate to be part of that elite group of ‘seniors’. Enabled and free of work, or money worries. The only hindrance to our being able to realise our expectations lies with our ageing bodies and minds.

Our MOHO ‘trips’ are considered to be holidays. Yet living the dream from day to day in different places, doesn’t always feel like being on holiday. More like being a nomad, with no herd! Just one lone Beastie!!

Four nights at Camping Bozanov gives us three full days of local exploration. On occasions like this, when we drop anchor, it can feel as if we really are on holiday. Especially when the weather is glorious.

After yesterday’s exertions, Scoot becomes our chauffeur for the day. A short 5K up and over across the border into Poland, finds Scoot parked in front of the Basillica at Radcow. Supposedly designed on St Peter’s in Rome. A trifle smaller, but impressive nonetheless.

Like Beastie, Scoot flies the ‘flag’ wherever we go.

Having no original blueprints to hand, our short lap inside, can neither prove, or disprove, its claim to fame. So we do what we do best. Move on to Wambierzyce. We quickly learn that when in Poland, there is going to be absolutely no point in trying to even imagine how to pronounce most of their words.

We’ve barely removed helmets, when Pavel, noticing the GB on Scoot’s number plate, starts up a conversation. Asks us if we’re English. How did he guess? His English is very good. Turns out he studied up the road from our old place in Boscombe, at Anglo World Language School in Bournemouth.

Often, there can be interesting and funny plays on words between languages. In need of a public loo, we come across this sign. From now on we’re going to “Do Windy”.

And that’s just for starters . . .

2 thoughts on “Day 30 – Holiday? Who needs one? . . .”

  1. Have just caught up with your days 27,28,29 and 30. Marvellous every inch of the way. Brian, you certainly have a way with words and with the lovely pictures and video clips this is a real delight!
    Dress rehearsal tomorrow. Do you remember Jan Bogdiukiewicz – he has rejoined and doing the lighting once more. He and his wife Julie have a motorhome, although they are nowhere near as adventurous as you two…

    1. Hi Rog, sounds as if you’re as busy as ever. Yes, I remember Jan. Did you manage to get days 1-8 in the end? Currently in Warsaw but I’m a few days behind with the blog – trying to fit it in with so much to do can be tricky. Love to you from the 2 cheeses

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