Day 4 – When number 2 is number 1 . . .

One of the many delights of being out on the road touring, is exploring new places. Of course, you never quite know what to expect. It’s like giving yourself a surprise present every day. Sometimes it puts a smile on your face and a warm feeling inside, as you unwrap it. At others, it can feel like you’ve just shot yourself in the foot, wishing you’d left the safety catch on.

No safety worries today. We leave the beauty of Graffham behind and head towards our two-nighter at Brighton. But not before backtracking to Midhurst and our second NT visit – Woolbeding (pronounced . . . beeding) Gardens. We’re treated. Doubly. The rain holds off and the gardens unwrap themselves to reveal a wonderful combination of formal and informal landscapes. The elegant house once leased to and occupied by Simon Sainsbury.

Grand designs
This four metre high ‘William Pye’ water fountain was inspired by a former cedar tree that used to stand in the same position.
Two Cheeses never stand in the same position
The view from above the waterfall in the previous photo.