Day 55 – Pull the other one . . .

Marketing blurb is designed to entice. Create a sense of more. Bring added value. Convince a buyer to make that purchase. Dip their hand into the proverbial deep pocket.

It’s not always easy choosing the next stop. We have to learn to decipher. Break the code. See what’s really behind the candy floss. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Understand fully what’s on offer. Even more difficult when a site’s web page relies on Google to translate. Brings a laugh sometimes. Being told they have ‘suggestive’ wash up facilities can be a real deal clincher.

Our non-motorway ‘up’ through the Brenner Pass takes us under the highest road-duct we’ve come across.

Today we say arrivederci to Italy. Even though this part of the Tyrol is technically Italy – it’s obviously not. Camping Chiusa-Klausen, in the Isarco Valley, entices us. The clue is in the word Klausen. Its web page informs us that it’s in walking distance of ‘one of the most beautiful old towns in Italy’.

The Tyrol is one of the most picturesque places we travel through.

We cross the Isarco River. Check out the Italian town. It’s pretty. But not one of the ‘most’. This part of the Tyrol annexed from Austria to Italy at the end of WW1. All signage in both languages. All shops and eateries not Italian. The whole place has a typical middle-europe feel to it.

Mrs S always in favour of pretty and clean.
The use of flower arrangements around the village, a brightening feature.

Back at base, dusk wealds a surprise. Suddenly, every top of every surrounding hill is ablaze. Campsite confusion quickly spreads, like wildfire. Cameras click. Then a war-time-like siren sounds. What’s it all about? Are we under attack?

A summer solstice tradition of lighting bonfires dates back to the middle ages.