Day 8 – The man of many timeless faces cracks me up . . .

We share an interest in “art” – paintings mainly. We admit we don’t always get it. But after spending a couple hours or so visiting Dali’s Theatre and Museum in Figueres we realise you don’t have to. Impossible not to leave infected with smiles and levity.

His moustache was still intact years after his burial, when his body was exhumed.

The short windy Scoot down into Figueres shot us straight as an arrow into its winding centre. A quick lock up and we’re heading to see what Dali’s been up to. It’s a museum of “art” works like no other. We get transported into his world of crazy genius. His superbly painted and illustrated images all seem to be asking questions – like “Would you like eggs with that sir?” or “Maybe a slice of bacon?”. We get drawn in. The more absurd his add-ons, the more you ask your-self, “Well, why not?” Many serious folk were staring and pondering. Scratching their heads. We (mainly me) couldn’t help laughing out loud at the sheer wit and creativity.

Did his friend Pablo Picasso get drawn in too? Did Picasso actually have to sit and pose for this portrait we wonder. If so was he naked at the time? When he saw it, did he smile or scowl?

Was Dali permanently on LSD? Or did his inspiration come from eating too much cheese before going to bed? Or more likely wearing it! Dali, the extreme Monty Python of his day – quoted as saying “… when you are a genius, you do not have the right to die, because we are necessary for the progress of humanity …”