Day 8 – Where would we be without friends? . . .

If you can pick up exactly where you left off. If you can feel comfortable in the silences. If you can listen. If you can share. Have no fear of being judged. Then you’re in the company of very special friends.

Today we meet up with Paul & Kath. Friends of over fifty years. They live ‘just up the road’ on the outskirts of Sheffield. Paul has planned a ‘short’ (by his standards) hike. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate Mary-Ann’s birthday.

As we climb there are stunning views on all sides
Thank you, Paul & Kath – it’s always the company that makes a good walk a great walk
Nothing like a bit of a challenge
2 Cheeses – last climb of this trip
Stunning views across to Edale and then Hope Valley & Castleton
Castleton – there is pretty there is . . .

We round off our time together with a pub meal in Castleton, vowing not to leave it too long before meeting up again.

Well. Did we blink? Before we could say “Eeh, I’ll go t’foot of stairs!” we’ve gone full circle and only gone and found ourselves right back where we started – promising not to wait another thirty odd years before returning to Yorkshire.