Day 9 – It’s not as Bad as it looks . . .

We all like to step into the limelight. From time to time. Given the right occasion. Given the right circumstance. Given the right planning. Though shining an unexpected light can cause sudden panic. Prompting severe stage fright and an immediate rush to withdraw into the shadows.

It seems that suitable car parks and parking spaces are at a premium in this part of Germany, for Beastie and his counterparts. Surprising, since Germany has a huge MOHO population. Today’s Beastie sally, is brought on by said lack.

On cue, Beastie gets drawn down to where he doesn’t belong. He can’t help him-self. His compass spinning like a wooden-top. Or maybe his driver is the one with the wooden top. He steps out centre stage. Or rather skates into central square – Baden-Baden. Like a skater on thin ice. Fearing an enlarging crack. At first sight all appears completely pedestrianised. However, nobody bats an eyelid. Not one head turns. Are they all silently whispering “Dummkopf”?

We can’t wait for the audition to be over . . .

“Easy Parking”, a world wide used app, lightens me of €2.80. Following our grand entrance and blind search of the back streets, it seems we’ve secured a good deal for three hours of on-street parking. Once I’ve handed my money over, the app re-sets our stay time. Reduces it to one hour max. In accordance with local restrictions. Argh! Fortunately, three young women in the nearby library come to the rescue. They huddle in front of the computer screen, sounding like excitable girl guides around a camp fire. Each eager to keep the round going for as long as it takes. Eventually, we’re pointed to a quiet lane alongside the Rosengarten auf dem Beutig at the top of town. Literally.

Although famous for its spa and casinos, we give them a miss. Spend the afternoon walking the Lichtentaler Allee. A riverside way that is hemmed in on both sides by the most elegant of hotels, houses and gardens.

Nevertheless, it seems the local council have agreed to allow the construction of a huge ugly glass box of a building – to the left. Public ‘servants’ – the bane of common sense the world over.

The pretty park provides a quiet selfie-spot.
Exuding elegance and charm – not a bad breakfast place
Many owners mark their territory with a stylised ’emblem’ – this one has chosen a twelve foot tall single rose.
It doesn’t get any snappier than this . . .