Day 9 – It’s not really hot enough for a doctor just yet . . .

A few years back now, we had the pleasure of being introduced to the Fremantle “doctor”. Baking hot summer mornings being brought back down to barely bearable temperatures by this early afternoon God-send.

Although here in Garriguella it’s not out of the teens yet, it seems this area of Catalonia is running its own version, but on a stronger scale. With high winds forecast today we change plans and decide to leg it rather than Scoot it. A “just this morning” downloaded local “live” walk using the Wikiloc trail App promises an interesting route up into the olive groves and vineyards far above town.

We’ve not used our tablet and its GPS system as a walking tool before. It’s looking good as we trek out of the top of town and into no-mans land. However, as we climb higher I suddenly realise that in my haste to find a decent walk I’d overlooked the fact that unlike a map, a gadget uses energy. This one had only a 29% charge left and was leaking power with every step we made. (As I type this I can hear Monsieur French Fries’ tut-tuts) Not having enough power to complete the route we decide to make up our own shorter version. An ensuing dead-end and a friendly local point us back.

With Dali still in mind and a phrase from an old Dire Straits track (. . . then you get an artist who doesn’t want to paint at all. He just takes an empty canvas and sticks it on the wall) we come across, what in a different location could surely have been perceived as art. However, unlike the artist in the song, at least Dali made sure his works earned him lots of money before his death.

Sun dried tagliatelle . . .

Then we both came over all dilly Dali . . .

“Allo, Vera?”
Mrs with a Miss-tache
Pear with cheese on top

And the oh so obvious . . .

It’s no skin off my nose

By the time we reached camp after a mini Scoot to the local cooperative degustacio, Mrs S (AKA Robocop), couldn’t help herself . . .

Booster ready for action? . . .

2 thoughts on “Day 9 – It’s not really hot enough for a doctor just yet . . .”

  1. 29% is the well known [at least by me and some others?] value at which it is best to charge for all batteries in Tablets and phones.
    Mais, eet duz noh surprize meeee add allll …..!
    French Fries

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