Day T-1 – We make our own Br-exit . . .

We surprise ourselves. Leave on time. Exactly when we said we would. No need to reconsider any more options. Do we want to remain? Or leave? It’s a no brainer.

Being the man about the house (and garden), has its pros and its cons. Everyday tasks and chores shared – not necessarily equally – and that doesn’t imply unfairly. Mrs S prefers to be in charge of all “homely” stuff and the rest becomes part of “My domain”. i.e. the loft and garage.

On the rare occasions Mrs S needs to go up into the loft, she frequently comes back down in a state of anxious giddiness. Her eyes rolling around her head. Resembling a cartoon character, whose just been thwacked on the head with a mallet. There’s just something about “what’s up there” and how it’s all stored, that freaks her out. I have difficulty imagining why that causes such a response. She lives in hope that one day I’ll get it sorted.

It’s the same with the garage. There’s no real order. Everything is in there. A rough idea where seems good enough. It might take me a little longer to find a certain item, but eventually I do – even if it is after I’ve bought a replacement from Homebase!

Of course, inside our home I do have a couple of other “sacred” storage spaces too. One being my own wardrobe. Beastie reflects this home set-up. I’m in charge of the garage, my small wardrobe and my sock/underpant store.

My task of loading up Beastie with those items that fall into my domain is relatively straight forward. Sixty minutes of cramming for the garage. A little under a couple to fill Beastie’s sock store and wardrobe. Easy peasy. No decision making required. No angst. No problem to solve. No long term weather googling to indulge in. Home wardrobe and sock draw virtually emptied of their contents and squashed into their new abode for the next twelve weeks.

All gone . . . virtually

Of course, for Mrs S, this same conundrum takes on a different set of logistical and hypothetical problems of almost enormous magnitude. If only that kind Mr Google’s weatherman could forecast 12 weeks in advance . . . But it’s not only down to the weather. It’s also down to choice. There’s so much to choose from. I do sympathise – with your very own M&S, White Stuff and Fat Face in-house store to choose from, well, I mean, life can be difficult . . .

Beastie’ all loaded up and not even a dent’s been made . . .