Days 19 & 20 – We knit one, purl two . . .

Ongoing dry and sunny weather dominates. We follow a pattern. Repeat it. Become sweaters.

Seeing how the other half lives, or has lived, always interests. Our town and turret a.m. (ish) routine continues. Closely followed by p.m.s sand and sun. Fine sandy Sardinian beaches splatter every nook and cranny around the edges of this beautiful island. Like a painter’s finishing touches. Embossing in white gold.

Bosa provides a healthy stop on our way to IS Arenas Camping. A vertical thirty minute workout later and we’re sitting not quite on top of the world. It’s tiny roof tops far below, repeat the pattern we’re so familiar with. Hundreds of narrow streets huddle together. Create summer shade. Winter warmth.

When Mrs S dons her hat, it’s not just a fashion statement – it’s hot!
A lower local church entrance offers an alternative cooling method. Tongues put away.
It’s an ancient town
The huge hike up to Serravalle’s Castle rewards us. A fabulous view – town & Temo river
Bosa looks good from below too . . .

We leave just enough time and sun for Laura to work on her tan.

But where is she? . . .
As always, Beastie prefers a bit of shade . . .