Days 28 – What makes us human? . . .

No one thing makes us human. There are a whole basket full of traits that collectively make us human. Distinctive idiosyncrasy in abundance covering and governing everything in and around us. A bounty of beauty, to be found in no other living creature.

Today, that basket pops open like a spring loaded jack-in-the-box. Ejects one of those traits that we can’t pass by. It’s virtually roadside. We park Beastie up at the nearest pull in and walk back to enter a land of ‘silly’.

What’s it all about?

We scratch heads . . .
It’s all very silly, but we loves it . . .

A brief interlude and good reason for a leg stretch send us on our way still scratching our heads and in a jovial mood.

It’s not long before we’re drawn to a halt again. We do a double take . . . this time into a whole village of ‘silly’.

Have a bunch of silly locals put this all together?

No good looking at us mate. We got no idea where we come from either . . .

I say Tree-sa, put the kettle on, we’ve got visitors . . .

We knows we should know it all, but we got no explanation as to how or why we’ve been stuck here for years.

Sorry mister, there’s been nobody home for years and we’re starvin . . .

Then it really is time for us to get going – we’re on our way to Camping Bozanov. A highly rated site that was founded and has been run by a Dutch couple for the last eighteen years.

Although Czechia is just one third the size of the UK, it has a sixth of our population. As a consequence, we’ve been surprised and delighted by the amount and beauty of its countryside and small villages.

Our run down into Radkow just 5K short of Bozanov

Open farm fields on both sides nestle nicely in a mountainous bowl and lead us down into Bozanov

As ever, Mr Gee, provides some ‘silly’ answers. It’s all been a Fairytale invention and creation of Jaroslav Horák. (